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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Addblock Plus for Firefox+Chrome+Internet Explorer+Android Full Free Download

Adblock Plus v2.6.3 for Mozilla Firefox + v1.8.3 for Google Chrome + v1.1 for Internet Explorer + v1.2.1 for Android
Don't want to see unwanted and voilated ads in web pages when surfing and browsing internet on your pc and mobile..? Here is the solution to block annoying ads in Firefox and Chrome as well..!
When we surf and browse internet, we come across a lot web pages full of various ads for different purposes. Sometimes, it occurs that we feel much problem and difficulty to search our required content due to these irritating ads between the web pages. What to do of these ads..? More and more new pages are opened and unwanted softwares are also installed due to the advertisements. So, these advertisements must be blocked for a safe search to avoid voilating material across internet web pages.
What is Adblock Plus:
A very efficient, simple, small but very smart Addon to block the ads instantly among webpages. This addon is installs in Firefox and Chrome to block these unwanted ads permanently. With adblock plus you can block ads, block tracking, block malwares and even social media buttons among web pages. However, you can manage ads by configuring adblock plus in both browsers.  
How to Block Advertisements in Firefox:
This is how can we get rid of ads in firefox forever for a safer and fast search and surfing.
Step 1: Click below the following link to Add this Addon to your Firefox Browser. (Use Firefox for the link)

Step 2: Click Add to Firefox Button and then click Allow.
Step 3: After downloading, click install
Step 4: Almost done everything.! You can configure it now by clicking ABP button on the address bar of Firefox.

 How to Block Advertisements in Google Chrome:
To block ads and annoying malwares in Google Chrome, follow the below steps
Step 1: Click below the following link to Add this Addon to your Google Chrome. (Use Google Chrome for the link)
 Adblock Plus v1.8.3 For Chrome

Step 2: Click on Free
Step 3: It will confirm for new extension, click Add.
Step 4:  It will install to Google Chrome automatically.
Step 5: Done..! Now you can configure it by clicking ABP button on the right side of the address bar   
How to Block Advertisements in Internet Explorer:
It will guide you through the process to install ABP for Internet Explorer, see the following steps.
Step 1: Internet Explorer can block ads and annoying videos or phots too, Download Adblock Plus for IE by clicking the link below (Use Internet Explorer for the link)
Step 2: After downloading, run the setup adblockplusie-1.1.exe
Step 3: Click on Install.
Step 4: It will install ABP to IE automatically.
Step 5: Click on Done..! ABP has successfully installed to Internet Explorer.
How to Block Advertisements in Android:
Now, remove ads from your web pages when surfing from your mobile phone, android etc. Follow the steps
Step 1: Click below the following link to Add this Addon to your Google Chrome. (Use Google Chrome for the link) 
Step 2: After downloading, run the setup adblockplusandroid-1.2.1.apk
Step 3: Click on Install.
Step 4: It will install ABP to Anroid or any Mobile.
Step 5: Have done everything..! ABP is installed to your Android Mobile. Now you can surf internet without any annoying ads..!

Check for More Details and Downloads about Softwares, Games and Anroid Apps absolutely free

Thanks For Visiting
Best Regards..!
John Smith   


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